Youth Compose And Document A Track In 2 Days

– Application to be made on the Sydney Academy, Macquarie-street. N. B.- For Sale, Chambaud’s Dictionary, French and English, in 4 Volumes.

Valse, “Margherita,” Godfrey; 5. Selection, ” Nabucodonosor,” Verdi; 6. Ode, “Australia’s Welcome to Prince Alfred,” C. W. Rayner. Queenstown Advertisements, ROYAL HOTEL THEATRE. MESSRS. W. A. PORTER, J. HUNTER, R. HERZ, and F.

in twenty two days . The ladies on board are Mrs. Waddy, Mrs. Bunbury, Mrs. Creagh, Mrs. Nowlan, and Mrs. Gassner. Mr. Gassner has cost of the band . “Our Own Minstrels” met with a most enthusiastic reception on their first look in Launceston at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms on Monday evening last. There was a really quite a few attendance on the event, and the Minstrels acquitted themselves to the entire satisfaction of their auditory.

Isabella MELODIA

the first professors of Berlin. Returning to Sydney, he re-occupied his place of organist at Christ Church for an extra term of 5 years.

The explanation for demise we hear was a sudden relapse of influenza. The stays of the deceased gentleman might be interred today in Adelaide, and we study that it is possible the members of the Liedertafel and German Rifle Club, of each of which he was the founder or a very early member, will observe. The Christy’s Minstrels gave the second of their deservedly in style UNSW Bella MELODIA entertainments, on Tuesday night, at Mac’s Hotel. The programme, a very liberal one, was well carried out; and the applause which greeted the minstrels, each in the solos as properly as within the concerted pieces, showed how nicely they have been appreciated by the numerous audience.

St Benedicts Catholic School, New South Wales, 2022

Tippitywitchet, a comic book track, was delivered by Mr. Levey, and excited much mirth. Mr. Gee played a solo on the clarionet, in his traditional masterly manner. Your informant evidently doesn’t identified concerto, or air with variations, from an Overture, and the abilities of performers, and the merits of the music at a Concert, should after all in such instances be very ill criticised.

Saturday night next is ready aside for the joint benefit of Mr. Gee, the accomplished piano-forte accompanyist, and Mr. Eastwood, the agent to the troupe, when their merits, coupled with the fact that this is positively the last appearance of this admirable firm, ought to ensure a crowded attendance. Mr. G. Gassner, for 28 years the popular Bandmaster of this well-liked Regiment, and who is well-known in Colchester, where he was for a quantity of years quartered with the Regiment, having just resigned his appointment, was entertained at a farewell mess dinner by Colonel Leach and the Officers at Camp Polymedia, Cyprus, on June 6.

My companies to the society are gratuitous, and so are the insults Mr. Gabb heaps on me; but of any additional remarks from him I shall not take notice. When I arrived in Geelong in 1852 the city was destitute of such a society; however seeing there was material for forming one, I set to work and mustered 18 performing members; who every of us put down £1 for music. Mr. Lloyd, merchant, now in Geelong, I keep in mind, gave us lots of music, and we started in March 1853. Notwithstanding the frequent showers of rain in the course of the larger portion of yesterday the oratorio last evening was very well attended.

A very giant number of persons assembled within the Domain final evening, on the event of the farewell leisure to Signor Gassner, the Bandmaster of H.M. 50th Regiment, who took so large a share in originating the series of moonlight promenade concert events on that floor, which have been so extensively patronized.

Youth Compose And Document A Music In 2 Days

Tyrone Power, son of the celebrated tragedian, to Mr. Gilfillan, artist, of this city, regarding a portray of a scene in a New Zealand pah, announcing that it had arrived too late for this years’ exhibition of the Royal Academy. It had been accredited and accepted, however was shut out for want of room,

Suddenly Solo, Granger Saves The Day

It most not, he said, be considered the fact to be worshipped – to be permitted to engross the thoughts to the exclusion of higher, nobler, and extra enduring purposes. The cultivation, nonetheless, of sacred music doesn’t, and can’t, destroy the taste for music – legitimate track – nor does it in the least interfere with the province of song. The provinces of sacred music and of track are quite distinct, and but fairly harmonious. They can’t fairly or justly be represented as being in opposition the one to the opposite.


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